Weezer, The Smashing Pumpkins, AFI, Nirvana, and the Beach Boys are some of my favorite bands. In a little way I want to be like them all. I want to have soaring guitars that hit on an emotional level (Weezer), with music that has a surreal sound scape as if it came from outer space (The Smashing Pumpkins), that is aggressive and has a dark vibe to it (AFI), over music that is simplistic at the base and is catchy with out coming off too sugary (Nirvana), that has complex supplemental vocal parts that swirl around the listener and elevate the song to whole new emotional level (The Beach Boys). I want to have songs that vary in style and moods. I want to be able to play any kind of music while it still having something unique to it that it will be Energy. I want to get to the point where it wouldn't be to out there for Energy to release the next Roots and then release the next What's My Age Again and everything in between.
I have written 15 songs towards a new CD and I have 10 unfinished/riffs laying around. So far the songs range from the theme song to a gothic disco to very fast aggressive punk. Most of the songs I have finished are Cure influenced songs that besides one or two I really don't want to use for the new CD but it's nice to have lots of options for what songs we can use. Ever since I decided to just work out every since idea I come up with I have been coming up with many more ideas than I used to. Lately I've been getting back into writing fast songs but trying to be conscious of what I didn't like about the way the songs on Invasions came out. I feel like those songs don't breathe enough. I don't know how to describe that other than they just go. I'm trying to be mindful of that while writing new songs. For the next CD I think it is important for us to have a song that is upbeat, but not sugary (think Muzzle by The Smashing Pumpkins if you know it) and a heavy song, something in vein of what we established with the song Invasions but take it a step further. What I want to do with the next CD is take everything that happened on Invasions a step further while also going down completely new paths not explored by us before.